Welcome to the Grail Movement of Canada

In association with the Grail Administration, Vomperberg, Tirol, Austria

One of the goals of the Grail Movement of Canada is the concern to open to mankind the path for a conscious life. The basis as well as the starting point for this is the work “In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin. Free from religious teachings or political objectives, the Grail Message opens up insights into the unanswered questions of man’s existence as well as into his tasks ensuing therefrom.

In many past eras, men had the urge to realise high goals in life: a life with noble structures based on the veneration of the Godhead. This did not happen simultaneously or uniformly on this earth but always only through the development of the characteristics of individual groups of people. The characteristics of such groups of people were formed in particular through the volition and action of the individual personalities making up these groups. The individual is a part of his group of people and as such, through the goals he strives towards, he determines the nature as well as the behaviour of the respective group. Uniformity amongst human beings is not desired because the necessary stimulation which only arises through diversity will be lacking. Stimulation effects changes and development which are necessary for human existence. In addition, the recognition and acknowledgement of the desired diversity of mankind bring about the sequential recognition of the purpose.  

The individual restricts himself to his personal thoughts and opinions. In the shared experiencing of the thoughts and opinions, as well as of the actions of his fellow men, the individual gains helpful experiences which enrich his life. Thus there gradually arises in him an open, multifaceted way of thinking and acting that also leads to a more conscious life.  

The Grail Movement of Canada sees itself as a platform for all those people in Canada whose highest goal is the striving towards the perception of the one and only Godhead. This Godhead is the Creator, Who can only be perceived in His Creation and its laws. The Work “In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin points the way for such perceiving or grasping.  

The spread of this Grail Message is a further central concern of the Grail Movement of Canada. The Grail Movement of Canada, with the goals it is striving to achieve, is an expression by men from all groups of people in Canada who, out of free conviction, seek to fulfill the Will of the Creator. To this end it is indispensable – also among human beings – to cultivate a lively interaction through mutual respect.

In association with the Grail Administration, Vomperberg, Tirol, Austria